Consonance - Home
Consonance is a choir formed by David Howard in 2014
to replace Vale of York Voices (VoYV) that sang evensong in
Minster on Monday evenings approximately once a month.
VoYV has been disbanded because the Chapter of York Minster
decided to stop having visiting choirs on Monday evenings in
term-time; a decision made with no discussion.
One of the main reasons Consonance exists is to work on
choral blend and performance technique for the benefit of
singers and listeners alike. Our Musical Director is Professor
David Howard who is Head of the Department of
Electronics at the University of York, an organist, choral
conductor and choral singer, who researches the human
singing voice as part of his role as an academic.
A small chamber choir dedicated to performance
Hämta vector
The Office of evensong is sung regularly in cathedrals and
occasionally in other churches. Consonance sings Evensong in
St. Helen's Church in the centre of the City of York.