Paper on Nesyamun published in Nature Science on 23rd January 2020: Synthesis of a vocal sound from the 3,000-year-old Mummy Nesyamun 'True of voice' by Howard, Schofield, Fletcher, Baxter, Iball and Buckley in which we took a CT scan of Nesyamun's vocal tract and 3-D printed the result, testing its acoustic properties using Howard's Vocal Tract Organ. The paper has attracted over 335,000 downloads by June 2020 and a huge amount of media interest. | |
David gave his Invited Keynote to the Pan European Voice Conference - PEVOC-13 - in Copenhagen on the 30th August 2019 entitled: "In tune with pitch" exploring his work on pitch from his PhD on a speech pitch estimation device for single-electrode cochlear implantees to the various factors that affect directly pitch perception in choral and solo singing apart from fundamental frequency changes, such as timbre, vibrato and loudness. It was described as ' an unsurpassed brilliant Key note presentation'! | |
Designer and choral quartet
conductor for Making
Waves in London's Tate Exchange and
The Tanks (17-18th May 2019). I designed an
interactive stand about the operation of the human
voice - Micro Voice - which was placed in
the 5th floor interactive space and organised a
vocal quartet to perform- Macro Voice - in
the fabulous and in my view, unsurpassed acoustics
of the Tanks, a cappella slow pieces
including Bogoroditse Djevo by
Rackmaninov. |
The Guardian article of 6th
December 2018: "Lesley
Garrett says King's College Choir must accept
girls" quoted David and Graham Welch's 2002
Psychology of Music Journal's research article
voice in the cathedral choir". The article notes
that an appropriate Musical Director can achieve a
sound from a top singing line of girls that is
essentially the same as that from a top treble
line of boys. |
David was invited to give two Keynote Talks at Ars
Choralis 2017 - the 5th International Symposium on
Chorusology in Valetta, Malta on Tuning
considerations in a cappella singing
and on Acoustics of performance spaces and
how to work best with them. This was a
special trip of the Ars Choralis conference who
normally meet in Zagreb, Croatia under the
leadership of Branko Stark. |
David was invited to give a Keynote
entitled The Vocal Tract Organ in
the Special Session on 'Machines that can talk
and sing' at the Care of the professional
Voice Symposium in Philadelphia on 1st June 2017.
There he demonstrated a cut-down version of the
Vocal Tract Organ (given what one can travel with
nowadays!) and there was considerable interest. He
performed his Vocal Vision 2 for
two male singers (Sten Ternström and Brian Gill)
and Vocal Tract Organ (David Howard) - we three
are in the picture! |
In 2016 David was elected Fellow of
the Royal
Academy of Engineering (FREng) and was
welcomed formally to the Academy by its Royal
Fellow: Prince Philip during a formal dinner in
London. David is a member of the Royal Academy's Education
and Skills Committee. |
David was invited to give a Keynote on the 1st August 2016 at the Performing Wellness Symposium presented by the Music, Mind and Well-being Group of the University of Melbourne and The Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare on: Performing vocal wellness in pitch control and its role in vocal intonation in choral singing. | |
David was guest speaker at the Westminster
Education Forum Keynote Seminar: CULTURAL
EDUCATION - take-up, diversity and developing
skills for industry (Royal Aeronautical Society, 4
Hamilton Place, London on Tuesday 8th December
2015). His topic is: 'Creative Scientists' - what
is the value of the arts for STEM? The link between creativity and engineering forms the heart of this talk which notes the link between ingenuity and engineering and the need for creative input to all engineering processes. |
David presented papers at the 11th
Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC-XI) in
Firenze in September 2015 and took part in two
invited Round Table discussions at the MAVEBA and
COMET events running in parallel. The Vocal
Tract Organ was featured along with work on
voice synthesis and Vocal tract acoustic
measurements. It was be a 2015 Grand Tour as
he drove to Firenze in an MX5. |
David has written Choral Singing and
Healthy Voice Production for choral
directors and choir singers which was launched in
St. Sepulchre's, London with Ralph Allwood (who
wrote the Foreword) with his Rodolfus Choir on
Friday 20th February 2015. It covers voice
production, vocal health, choral singing, warm-up
exercises, and tuning and blend with examples to
be used in rehearsals to develop skills. Published
by Willow
Leaf Media. Available on Amazon.
Comments from Ninevoices. |
David presented the Vocal Tract Organ in Berlin in November 2014 at the Die stimme im Ausnahmezustand event. The focus is on unusual voice performance instruments and how they are used in practice. This was a 'by invitation' presentation which was rather special and acknowledgement of the presence of the Vocal Tract Organ as a new musical instrument! | |
Here is David Howard with David Howard as I am wearing a David Howard dahlia. The dahlia is not named after me but after a British nurseryman. It can suffer from earwigs, caterpillars, aphids and glasshouse red spider mite. Rather smart(!) don't you think? | |
David worked with Andy Hunt at the
inclusive' music event in the Ron Cooke Hub,
University of York on 1st March 2014 demonstrating
new musical instruments and controllers including
the Vocal Tract Organ. |
David was a Keynote at the SEMPRE
(Society for Education, Music and Psychology
Research) conference:
'Researching Music, Education, Technology:
Critical Insights' conference at the Institute of
Education, London, 2-3 April 2014 where he
presented his Vocal Tract Organ. |
David was invited to the Ars Choralis 2014, the International Symposium on Chorusology in Croatia (24-26 April 2014). There he will conduct and accompany a local choir at the opening ceremony and give a Keynote Paper on the Choral Sound. (Download poster: side A, side B). David is very proud to have been made an Honorary Member of the Association of Croatian Choral Directors and to have been presented with a plaque for his Scientific Research in the field of Chorusology at this event. | |
David will give a Gresham Lecture as part of the 2014 City of London Festival on Monday 30th June 2014 at 18.00 on The science of choral singing (venue and further details to be confirmed). | |
David appeared on French television 'Arte' in Les mystères de la voix humaine on Arte on 22nd December 2013 at 22:25. In it he discusses the function and acoustics of the human singing voice and illustrates this with examples from his Vocal Tract Organ using an extract from his Vocal Vision II with York soloists David Howard and Ben Lindley. | |
David was been invited to speak at the European Choral Association meeting in Pecs, Hungary on 9th November 2014 on his work on choir research which is part of an EU funded project titled VOICE (Vision On Innovation in Choral music in Europe). There he will outline the UK part of this project which is on healthy choral singing. (Download poster: side A, side B) |